Home BlogData Visualization Visualizing New York City’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Visualizing New York City’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions

by Elaine Ding
NYC emissions

Jill Hubley, a freelance web developer, has created a data visualization mapping the greenhouse gas emissions of  New York City’s buildings. The map combines open data from multiple city agencies about building utility consumption and land use, which the city collects and publishes for buildings with over 50,000 square feet of floor space, to produce a color-coded interactive map indicating each building’s carbon footprint. Users can click on each building in the map to display data about the building’s owner, the year it was built, and the metric tons of greenhouse gases each building produced in 2014. Hubley created the visualization to make it easy for users to understand the emissions output of the city’s large buildings as Mayor Bill De Blasio implements PlaNYC, an initiative to reduce citywide emissions by 30 percent by 2030.

Take a look.

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