Home BlogWeekly News Friday Roundup (11/09/2012)

Friday Roundup (11/09/2012)

by Daniel Castro

No matter where you turn, the media is focused intensely this week on the U.S. election and the data world was no exception.

Of course the big “Big Data” story this week was about how the New York Times statistics wizard Nate Silver accurately predicted the election results in fifty out of fifty states. If you are interested to see how he did it, be sure to read his methodology. (LINK)

And, if you are not already tired of election news, Time has an excellent inside look at the use of data in the Obama campaign. (LINK)

Many organizations will naturally be looking to replicate the Obama team’s success with data in their own operations. Harvard Business Review has an interesting interview with Andrew McAfee, a researcher at MIT Sloan School of Management, on the lessons that the private sector should learn from the campaign’s use of data. (LINK)

Finally, Farzad Mostashari, the national health IT coordinator at HHS, gave an interview with Healthcare IT Now where he describes how this model applies to the health care system. (LINK)

See an interesting “Big Data” story? Email Daniel Castro (dcastro@itif.org).

Photo credit: Flickr user jdlasica

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