Home Events How to Guarantee the Free Flow of Data in Europe

How to Guarantee the Free Flow of Data in Europe

by Nick Wallace

The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) ostensibly outlaws barriers to the flow of personal data between EU countries, and in September 2017, the European Commission published a draft regulation for a similar rule on non-personal data transfers. Yet a plethora of questions remain. How effective will the two regulations be at ending data localization in practice? Just how easy is it to separate personal from non-personal data, and treat them according to separate laws? And how should policymakers address the remaining obstacles to data flows outside the union?

Join the Center for Data Innovation for a conversation with a panel of experts, who will discuss the costs of data localization and the implications of the GDPR and the proposed Free Flow of Data Regulation for data transfers within and beyond Europe.

Date and Time:

  • Thursday, December 7, 2017, from 9:00 to 10:30 AM.


  • Science14, Rue de la Science 14, 1040 Brussels, Belgium

Confirmed Speakers:

  • Lenard Koschwitz, Director of European Affairs, Allied for Startups
  • Jean-Marc Leclerc, Government and Regulatory Affairs Executive, IBM
  • Pearse O’Donohue, Acting Director of the Future Networks Team, European Commission—DG CONNECT
  • Nick Wallace, Senior Policy Analyst, Center for Data Innovation


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