Home IssueArtificial Intelligence Statement to the US Senate AI Insight Forum on “Risk, Alignment, and Guarding Against Doomsday Scenarios”

Statement to the US Senate AI Insight Forum on “Risk, Alignment, and Guarding Against Doomsday Scenarios”

by Hodan Omaar

Hodan Omaar, Senior Policy Analyst of the Center for Data Innovation, participated in the AI Insight Forum, the bipartisan policy dialogue that Senator Schumer is leading to create a roadmap for Congressional action and consensus on AI. Hodan argued that policymakers should remain clear-eyed in the face of grandiose, uncertain claims. With each technological breakthrough there are often claims that humanity has acquired a capability beyond its control that could ultimately destroy it. There should always be space to engage with constructive criticisms of specific technological advancements and scientific procedures, as well as potential risk scenarios, but dogmatic narratives should not drown out pragmatic discussions.

Read the briefing.

Image credit: AI Insight Forum

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