Home Press Release Kudos to the UN for Its Strategic Silence on Global AI Regulation

Kudos to the UN for Its Strategic Silence on Global AI Regulation

by Hodan Omaar

WASHINGTON—In response to the United Nations (UN) General Assembly adopting a global resolution on artificial intelligence, Senior Policy Manager Hodan Omaar issued the following statement:

With the UN, what’s left unsaid can be as telling as what’s said outright. While its resolution encourages member states to develop and support governance approaches for “safe, secure, and trustworthy artificial intelligence systems,” it does not call for a single global governance framework, as the interim report from its AI advisory body advocated. Instead, it rightfully recognizes that each country will need to take its own approach to regulating AI.


The UN is choosing the right track by steering clear of taking on the role of global AI regulator and focusing on expanding AI access for the global South and aligning AI development with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The UN’s goal shouldn’t be to supplant national efforts but rather support countries working in parallel to advance the common objectives of leveraging AI for the betterment of society.

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