With government bodies already overstretching their budgets to try to meet the increased demand on public services, artificial intelligence (AI) stands out as a promising avenue for cutting costs, reducing wait times, and expanding services. There are many possibilities for using AI to improve public services, including by automating administrative processes, detecting fraud, and monitoring public health. But does the UK have the vision, resources, and skills to effectively harness AI to support and improve the operations of the public sector?
Join the Center for Data Innovation for a panel discussion exploring the hurdles impeding the widespread adoption of AI in the public sector and examining actionable steps to empower and facilitate the sector in harnessing the benefits of this cutting-edge technology.
Date and Time:
- April 16, 2024, 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM (BST) // 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM (EDT)
- Ayesha Bhatti, Policy Analyst, Center for Data Innovation (moderator)
- Cosmina Dorobantu, Co-Director, Public Policy Programme, and Policy Fellow, The Alan Turing Institute
- Georgina Maratheftis, Associate Director for Local Public Services, TechUK
- Dave Rogers, Partner, Public Digital