Home AI Policy Leadership AI Legislation Tracker – United States AI Legislation in 2018

AI Legislation in 2018

by Hodan Omaar

FUTURE of AI Act (H.R. 4625 / S. 2217)

Directs the Department of Commerce to establish a federal advisory committee to provide advise the agency on issues related to AI, including U.S. competitiveness, workforce, education, data and research sharing, and international cooperation.

AI in Government Act (S. 3502)

Establishes the Emerging Technology Policy Lab within the General Services Administration to improve the federal government’s ability to adopt and deploy AI, including by providing advice, improve agency rulemaking regarding emerging technologies, and circulating information about workforce development opportunities related to emerging technologies. Directs the Office of Personnel Management to identify skills necessary for roles related to AI and establish, or modify and existing, occupational series to include positions that primarily deal with AI.

Artificial Intelligence Reporting (AIR) Act (H.R. 6090)

Directs the National Science and Technology Council’s Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence subcommittee to submit a report to Congress detailing a strategic plan for AI R&D, the federal government’s use of AI applications, and the federal government’s efforts to enhance federal R&D activities by embracing workforce diversity.

National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence Act (H.R. 5356 / S. 2806)

Establishes the independent National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence in the executive branch and directs it to conduct a review of advances in AI and the methods necessary to advance the development to address national security needs, including economic risk. This review shall consider U.S. competitiveness in AI, trends in international cooperation, means by which to foster investment in AI, workforce incentives to attract AI talent, risks of foreign advances in AI, ethical considerations, meants to establish data standards and foster the sharing of training data, and privacy- and security- protecting measures for data used in AI. This bill was incorporated into the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal year 2019 (H.R. 5515) and signed into law.

Strengthening our Military Asset by Researching Technology to better Assure Security and Efficiency (SMART BASE) Act (H.R. 7011)

Directs the Department of Defense to conduct a study of the use of smart technology, including automation and artificial intelligence, on military installations to improve military readiness and service delivery, enhance physical security and cyber security, and increase efficiency. Directs the Department of Defense to report the findings of this study, along with any recommendations, to Congress.

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