Home BlogWeekly News 10 Bits: The Data News Hotlist

10 Bits: The Data News Hotlist

by Morgan Stevens

This week’s list of top data news highlights covers November 12, 2022 to November 18, 2022 and includes articles on using a supercomputer to model the FIFA World Cup and selling sandwiches out of a smart vending machine. 

1. Building Supercomputers

Nvidia and Microsoft have partnered to build a supercomputer that can complete AI computing work. The companies will use the computer to advance research in generative AI systems. 

2. Optimizing Warehouse Operations

Amazon has launched a new robotic arm, known as Sparrow, that can sort goods in warehouses. Sparrow has an AI system that can recognize different goods and direct the arm to transport the goods to the appropriate bin. 

3. Detecting Heart Failure

Researchers at Mayo Clinic, a U.S.-based healthcare system, have created an AI system that can detect signs of heart failure in electrocardiogram (ECG) data from consumer devices, such as smartwatches. The team trained the system by modifying an existing algorithm designed to detect signs of heart failure in standard ECGs, and tested it with medical data and Apple Watch ECGs from patients with and without heart failure. 

4. Inspecting Underground Pipes

Researchers at the University of Leeds have created an autonomous robot that can travel through pipes and detect signs of damage. The robot, known as Joey, contains sensors and a camera that collect data on the pipes and an AI system that uses the data to navigate through the pipe system.

5. Improving Transit Safety

The Southeastern Pennsylvania Transit Authority has announced plans to test an AI system that can detect firearms in surveillance footage. Officials will use the system to determine if passengers are openly carrying a firearm on the Market-Frankford and Broad Street Lines in Philadelphia. 

6. Modeling the World Cup

An international team of researchers has used a supercomputer to model the FIFA World Cup 2022. The team found that Brazil has the highest chance of winning the tournament, followed by Argentina, the Netherlands, Germany, and France. 

7. Predicting COVID-19 Prognoses

Researchers at the Feinstein Institute for Medical Research, a health research organization in New York, have created an AI system that can predict 28-day survival for COVID-19 patients. The team trained the system with electronic health records from nearly 35,000 patients with COVID-19. 

8. Selling Sandwiches

Subway has created a smart vending machine to sell premade sandwiches, snacks, and drinks. The machine has an AI system that can understand customers’ verbal orders and respond accordingly. 

9. Generating Artwork

The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York has launched an exhibit on AI-generated artwork. Refik Anadol, a Turkish-American new media designer, created an AI system that uses 380,000 images of 180,000 of MoMA’s pieces and data on the weather and surrounding environment to continuously display new artwork. 

10. Shopping for Shoes

Google has updated its search engine to include 3D and augmented reality versions of shoes when shopping. Shoppers can use the tool to view 3D models of shoes online or an augmented reality version in their surrounding environments. The update also includes a machine learning model that can create 3D models of shoes from a few still images of the shoe. 

Image credit: Flickr user Clint Lalonde

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