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10 Bits: The Data News Hotlist

by Morgan Stevens
A quiz

This week’s list of top data news highlights covers July 1, 2023 to July 7, 2023 and includes articles on taking AI-generated quizzes and launching a data dashboard to track mosquitoes.

1. Optimizing Brain Surgery
Researchers at Harvard Medical School have created an AI system that can analyze gliomas, a form of brain cancer, in tissue samples during surgeries. Pathologists can use the system to quickly classify subtypes of gliomas in samples and inform surgeons about the best type of treatment or surgery.

2. Building Quantum Computers
Google has created a quantum computer that can instantly perform calculations that would take Frontier, the world’s fastest supercomputer, 47 years to perform. The new computer has 70 qubits, an increase of 17 qubits from Google’s previous quantum computer.

3. Analyzing Temperature Records
Researchers with the UK’s Meteorological Office have used a supercomputer to analyze temperature records and identify the impact of human-related climate change. The UK had the hottest June on record and the researchers found that the chance of this happening has doubled since 1940 because of climate change.

4. Mapping Mosquitoes
Researchers at the University of South Florida have created a dashboard to collect and share data on mosquitoes in the Tampa Bay area. Residents can use the dashboard to view maps of mosquitoes and pictures collected through three citizen science apps, iNaturalist, Global Observer, and Mosquito Alert.

5. Delivering Aid
The United Nations’ World Food Programme has announced plans to test autonomous vehicles to deliver food to conflict or disaster zones next year. Officials will use the trucks to deliver aid without putting humanitarian workers in potentially dangerous situations.

6. Launching Grocery Delivery Services
Clevon, an autonomous delivery company based in Estonia, has partnered with LastMile, an e-commerce and food delivery company based in Lithuania, to launch an autonomous grocery delivery service in Vilnius, Lithuania. The service is the first to use autonomous delivery robots on public roads in Europe.

7. Testing Knowledge
YouTube has started testing a generative AI system that can create quizzes for educational videos. Viewers can use the quizzes to better understand educational subjects while the platform can use the results to determine how well a video teaches a topic.

8. Detecting Foodborne Pathogens
Researchers at McMaster University have created a tray that can detect Salmonella in food. The tray contains sloped sides that send food remnants to a sensor at the bottom. Users can then scan the bottom of the tray with their phone to learn if the food contains pathogens.

9. Predicting Postoperative Complications
Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh have created a machine learning model that can predict whether a patient is at risk of developing postoperative complications. The team trained the system with data on mortality and postoperative cardiac events from over 1.25 million patients.

10. Performing Spinal Surgeries
Surgeons at Mayo Clinic, a U.S.-based medical center, have used augmented reality to guide a surgery to remove a tumor from a patient’s spine. By using the technology to determine where to operate, the team could make a smaller incision and remove less bone.

Image credit: Flickr user Alberto G.

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